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Friday, December 11, 2009

Thoughts on Future Conversions

Hey readers (there are so many of you! [/sarcasm])

When I was but a lad I always wanted to do cool modifications to my models. I saw all kinds of stuff on the internet, the White Dwarf magazine, various Warhammer 40k codices, and at the game store. Naturally I would go home and try to do all kinds of stuff to my models.

Needless to say (I'll say it anyway) I destroyed a fair share of models. For instance, I destroyed Cheif-Librarian Mephiston's hands to get his sword and replace his plasma pistol. I broke all sorts of pieces on my only Rhino to "convert" it. But hey, I thought I was doing some cool stuff.

Nowadays, though, I still have so many conversion ideas (listed later in this post) floating around in my head. I will probably be purchasing some greenstuff soon, as well as a sculpting tool, and various other tools that I have delayed in getting due to my college-poor status. (Files, drill, better brushes)

Hopefully once I get some of this stuff I will be able to pull off some of these neat conversions I have been ruminating on for weeks without ruining any more models.

First of all, I have this jump pack chaplain model that I loooove. I want to convert him into a Chaplain Lemartes counts-as. I'm going to throw an Iron Halo on his head, as well as a few more purity seals on his body. I will also attempt to model that rosarius that the offical model has hanging from his bolt pistol, because if I pull it off I think it could look pretty awesome. Another option I have been considering is taking the Crozius Arcanum off of my old Blood Angels chaplain (fairly ugly/obviously very dated model) and swapping it with the new chaplain's to make it a little more fitting. Maybe I will be able to successfully sculpt some blood drops for his shoulder as well, I think that would look pretty neat. The only thing I can't come up with is how to make his mask stand out. Lemartes is equipped with the "Death Mask" and I don't trust my modelling skills to make one tiny enough for his face. I know it already has some skull features, maybe there is a quick way to add on to that?

This + This = This?

A second idea I have had is a terminator librarian. I know it's not a popular choice, but I have always found it at least a fun unit to run (it can fly!). I have some basic ideas, making the base model my terminator sergeant I bought a long time ago, and mixing it with some bits I cut off of my librarian model. I want to switch the staff with the terminator's sword, and replace the top of the staff with something more fitting of the army. Then I have to figure out a way to make a psychic hood. That one requires some more thought. (I can't find pictures of these things... must be too old and unpopular :( )

Next, the other day I saw the Chaos Khorne Lord in my Games Workshop. I think that he would make an absolutely WIKID chaplain. He already has a skull face, and I would have to cut/file that mark off of his head (maybe I could replace his head entirely with the old chaplain's... provided I can find a way to seperate it from his body... anyone know how?) I would probably chop the head off of the axe in order to sculpt a gigantic Crozius Arcanum head. *shivers* It looks so cool in my head. I would probably add some purity seals and blood drops to this guy too. (I will need lots of practice making those!)

This + Greenstuff and lots of Filing = awesome?

I have the body of a Blood Angel that has been painted for me to a pretty good standard, and he looks so cool I want to modify him to be a captain! I want to give him one of my old metal jump packs. He is also going to have a winged helmet (I've always been jealous of the Dark Angels' awesome headgear) He doesn't have arms yet, so I was going to use my leftovers from my new assault squad sprue. I will give him a power-axe, converted with a wing to make it look more like Dante's. Actually... I may repaint him gold, and turn him into a counts-as Dante! Awesome! I just got a vision of my extra bolt pistol arm, combined with a flamer (modified to look more melta-y) in order to make a "Perdition Pistol." Yet another one I can't wait to do!

I will have to practice some modding techniques before I risk any of these more expensive metal models with my shenanigans. I do have a few uglies laying about upon which I can experiment.

On another note: I really want some Baal Predators.

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